Friday, May 22, 2009

I Haz a Sweet Potato*

More adventures in vegetables: sweet potatoes. I've never grown sweet potatoes, but when we were at Monticello last fall their crops looked so interesting and, well, pretty. We decided to give it a go.

They arrived on Tuesday. I put them in some wet sawdust until Thursday, when I created the bed for them up on our highest terrace.

I had to push three loads of dirt up the hill. It really should have been four, but that just didn't happen.

We'll see how they do! They looked really dry, but I've been assured that they'll do just fine.

*Today's title is in homage of one of the funniest dog stories I've ever read. If you haven't read I Has a Sweet Potato, please head over there right this instance. If you have dogs, you will love it. If you don't have dogs I'm sure you'll love it, too.



Little Ant said...

Oh, I love sweet potatoes. I really want to start some of my own but I was consumed this year with starting off my square foot garden so potatoes may have to wait. I can't wait to see how yours turn out.

Angie said...

I read "I Has a Sweet Potato" and loved it! Thanks!