Rafters are up!!!!

They went fairly quickly, too:

This weekend, we put plywood on the roof. We had a gorgeous weekend to do it, too. 60s, sunny, breezy, and you can see the trees are budding out:

He doesn't go
anywhere without his Calvins!

Really a gorgeous weekend.

I specifically took this picture to make the exhaust look like it was coming from Matt's butt. He's not happy about it, but I think it's funny:

Mr. Vino came to help again this weekend. He even got up on the roof! He wasn't too sure about it at first, but he didn't have any problems. When he came back on Sunday, he was up the ladder before I even got a chance to say hi.

The roof is fully covered now. Next up is the Typar and our extra-special roofing material, which will be a secret for now. It's NOT shingles. It's NOT tin. It's NOT sheepskins. You'll have to wait.
Let me guess . . . a sod roof that you can graze your milk cow on??
I think the exhaust pic is hilarious too!
That's a hysterical photo! Someone needs to lay off the chili con carne! :D
As for the roof, will it be ... solar panels? Adamantium shingles? Tightly woven sequins whose dazzling sparkles will be visible from space? Do tell!
Sorry about the duplicate message. When my first message didn't appear, I assumed it had been lost, so I typed it again. O_o
I wish we could afford solar panels, that would be awesome....but not as awesome as sequins!
Oh, and I deleted the extra comment, Angie. I've notices lately that Blogger is taking its sweet time loading comments, I don't know why.
Mama Pea, have you seen the pictures of houses on one of the islands of England? They do this! No, not for cows. And it isn't thatch, either. I'll see if I can find a pic and post it.
Funny pic of Matt!
Can't wait to find out the answer.
To all concerned...my calvins were _clean_. Just a note on that. So...no moms cringing out there and no one reaching for oust! And, to the contrary, there was a little smoke from myself as well.
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