We bought some kohlrabi at the grocery store last week.
We've never eaten kohlrabi.
We've never cooked kohlrabi. . . . Any suggestions????
You can eat kohlrabi raw or cooked. When eaten raw, it's crisp with a hint of radish flavor. When eaten boiled or steamed, it's very bland, so I recommend combining it with stronger flavors.
You can eat kohlrabi raw or cooked. When eaten raw, it's crisp with a hint of radish flavor. When eaten boiled or steamed, it's very bland, so I recommend combining it with stronger flavors.
Never had Kohlrabi but I would really like to try some. I'll have to look next time to see if they have them at the grocery store. I doubt it.
These were tiny, maybe 2.5" across. I've seen them HUGE in the stores before. I don't know if, uh, size matters with these? Do they get tough?
I think I'm going to either boil or roast them, maybe with the parsnips and carrots I just pulled.
I'll let you know!
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