Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Planting

I have this habit of taking pictures of every new veggie sprout and every planting of every veggie....every year. Matt has been making fun of me for this. This year I found myself standing in front of the newly sprouted asparagus bed with my camera in my hand and I had the following conversation with myself in my head:

Repeat after me: you don't need to take pictures of the first asparagus every year.

I don't need to take pictures of the first asparagus every year.

People by now know what they look like. Every year.

People by now know what they look like. Every year.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

These aren't the droids we're looking for.

Move along.

Move along....Move along!!!

So. Now that I have that out of the way, I can tell you that this weekend I planted kohlrabi (for the first time, too), broccoli plants, and leeks. I also rehabbed two tomato beds that I didn't get to last fall, and I tried to fix the pea beds. Too wet, a lot of them became slug food/homes and some others rotted. I have enough seed to reseed if necessary. Oh, and the asparagus is coming up.

Tomorrow I plan on planting some flowers and such in the new flower bed. I hope to get the potatoes in this week as well as the carrots/radishes.

Matt finished up the rafters in the garage on Sunday, I will have pictures of that soon.

And...it is supposed to be 90* tomorrow. Ick.


LindaSue said...

Thanks for the info. Am going to start some more seeds this week. Not many, just a few. Going to go ahead and purchase some plants for this year.

I finished reading all the way thru your blog last night about 1 30 this am. You have so much info out there and I thank you for it.

It was amazing to see how much learning and confidence you have now compared to the beginning. It shows in your postings. So it will help me as I start out knowing I am not alone.

Yea, Chicago to Florida, then to Georgia, then Eygpt and back to Georgis, then Chicago, then back to Florida and now Ala. It has been a trip. Hubby's folks are originally from central Ala and moved to Georgia in the early 50's. Worked and raised a family and hubby went into Air Force and was stationed in Florida. Meet him there and the rest is history.

We are in the process of buying a very rural lot of a little over 1 acre. Have a 12 x 28 barn building we are converting into our house and will move it when the land is ready.

I am 63 and a disabled ex nurse so I am limited as to what I can do. I just keep on trying and doing what I can.

Jody M said...

Well, if you met any Newtons in Georgia or Alabama, I'm probably related to them.

Thank you for the insight on my writing and confidence. I hadn't noticed that. Interesting to hear!

Please be sure to check some of my favorite blogs on the right side of my page. A lot of them have done what you are doing.

You can always email me at: neo_twig (AT) yahoo (DOT) com.

Angie said...

Droids? Have you been having a problem with robots in your garden?

Mama Pea said...

Jealous. Jealous. Jealous. That's what I am regarding your garden happenings. We have a forecast of heavy frost (down into the 20s) again tonight. Yes, spring does come slowly to NE Minnesota!

P.S. I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of emerging asparagus.

Jody M said...

I wish I had droids in the garden, maybe I could knock some of the things off my To Do list!

Mama Pea, you got it!