This picture shows the left turn out of my facility completely blocked by snow drifts on Thursday afternoon. They eventually did come and open it up, we think it was the National Guard. This is the main avenue from town to access the interstate. There was a lot of traffic coming from town, making it as far as the gates, turning around, and then getting stuck there because there was more traffic coming along behind them. It was a nightmare.

I didn't take too many pictures at home. Here is the obligatory Max picture (taller than three yorkies at this point):

The herb bed. I took a pic of the herb bed the last huge storm we got, too. Keep in mind this is after drifting. I really don't know how much snow we got from this storm, but I'm guessing somewhere between 18-25".

The garage. Note the blue tent thing collapsed on the second floor. If the snow load didn't do it the winds did:

We finally got completely dug out on Thursday afternoon (or was it Friday? Things really are running together about last week). We're 3/4 of the way digging up to the burning barrel. We dug out the trash cans, too.
Here is really hoping that we don't have a sudden warm spell or 2" of rain all at once. I'm beginning to have a real appreciation for those of you who live like this every winter.
Kinda brings your building projects to a screeching halt, doesn't it?
It is beautiful in it's own way, but sure does throw a wrench in getting on with everyday life.
Hopefully, for you this will be "the winter that was" and you can look back on these pictures with amazement!; You saved my day again.
::lol @ title::
Seem to be getting more spam around here.....hmm....
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