A new virtual friend (YD) told me about the website Pick Your Own and they have a great canning section. I checked it out and immediately honed in on the Ketchup recipe. I just happened to have an abundance of Aunt Ruby's German Green tomatoes that would be going to waste unless I did something with them, and I had a huge batch of already roasted Greens in the freezer, so I decided to make green Ketchup.
I went by the directions with a few exceptions: since I'd already roasted the frozen sauce with garlic,
I didn't add any extra. I also didn't have nearly as many pounds of tomatoes as what they called for, so I winged it with the rest of the ingredients (I wound up putting in too much sugar, but it still tastes ok).
I cooked it down in the crockpot all afternoon and did the actual canning when I got home from work that Sunday night.
The result was 5 pints of green ketchup that tastes great.
Neato! That never would have occurred to me. Oh the woes of the modern age.
I have never tried making ketchup before.
Last year I made a batch of hot sauce with all the habenero peppers from the garden. It was awesome!
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