I have another mystery plant, though. This one is growing in the beds that I put the beans in this year. When we were putting in the poles, we found what we thought were 'puffball' type mushrooms. They were small, though, smaller than I've ever seen puffballs. About one inch across, maybe slightly more, shaped like potatoes. And they had roots, and they seemed to be all connected together. There were maybe 8 of them growing under the dead leaves, it was very moist there. They felt like Jello with a slight skin.

When I saw them from a distance (above), I can honestly say my first thought was something was dead under the leaves with its legs sticking out. Then I thought Garden Gnome. They really are very strange looking.
Any ideas?
Maybe a mycologist could identify this fungus?
They look evil. Trap them and fedex them back to Pat Robertson.
Maybe they are Asparagus, it takes a couple of years for them to be ready...Ginny
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